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Get expert advice and the latest news from landscape industry insiders. We cover both commercial and residential landscapes. Includes special reports and news about landscape trends, water conservation, low maintenance gardens, tree care and plants.
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How to know for sure if your plants need water this winter
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaThey probably will need water. We tell you what to look for – and how – so you know for sure if your plants need water. A Typical Winter Irrigation is normally turned off in the winter. Why? Plants need less water during that time. The soil is cool and moisture evaporates more slowly Moreover, […]
A New Seawall and Landscape Transform Waldo Point Harbor
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaA Rebirth for Waldo Point’s Houseboat Community Still standing after over one hundred years, Sausalito’s Waldo Point Harbor sits proudly on the San Francisco Bay. It is located off Bridgeway at the north end of Sausalito. Yesterday’s exposed electrical wires and other safety hazards is being replaced with beauty and order. Waldo Point’s Houseboat Community […]
Gardeners’ Guild Helps Girl Scouts Pick Up Christmas Trees in Sonoma Valley
/in Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Residential LandscapingLast weekend, Robert Mercado, Manager at Gardeners’ Guild helped the Girl Scouts of Sonoma Valley pick up Christmas trees from 42 residents. The troop also collected $300 in donations. Christmas trees, (shown below) are loaded in Robert’s trailer headed for recycling. Troop #10240 brought much end-of-holiday cheer to residents glad to have one item crossed […]
Solutions to 4 Landscape Drainage Problems
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscape Design, Landscape Drainage, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Rebuilding Soil, Residential Landscaping, San Francisco Bay Area Landscape, SustainabilityI’ve updated our post about drainage from March of this year. We talk again about solutions to landscape drainage problems. There is additional detail added including graphics that describe the drainage problems and solutions. One of the solutions described below is a dry creek bed. It was a project of Gardeners’ Guild at Spring Lake […]
Will San Francisco’s Street Tree Maintenance Timetable Work For You?
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco Street Trees, San Francisco Tree Maintenance, San Francisco TreesSan Francisco Street Tree Maintenance Implementation Schedule The passage of Proposition E last November, was welcome news for San Francisco property owners. There is, however, a lengthy start up period as San Francisco’s street tree maintenance implementation doesn’t begin until 2019. Depending on the type, health or age of the tree, waiting until that time […]
Your Poinsettia Order Will Help North Bay Fire Victims
/in Commercial Landscapes, Interior Plants, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaOrder Poinsettias help North Bay fire victims Gardeners’ Guild is launching this campaign for the 2017 holiday season because of the catastrophic effects the wildfires have had on San Francisco North Bay residents. It will take a lot of support for survivors to rebuild their lives. And, Gardeners’ Guild wants to help. The “how” of […]
Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by the north bay wildfires. Massive swaths of Santa Rosa decimated within hours. Countless numbers of residents now homeless. Other evacuees, anxiously praying for a home to return to. October, with its notorious Santa Ana winds, is upon us. Below are tips for keeping your property and family […]
San Francisco 2017 Street Tree Ordinance Simplified What the ordinance is Shifts responsibility of street trees from property owner to the City of San Francisco Sidewalks damaged by trees will also the City’s responsibility (see photo below) Measure E on November 2016 ballot. 80% SF voters approved it. Measure E was the result of pressure […]
Report on Mosquito Prevention and Deterrents
/in Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Residential Landscaping, San Francisco Bay Area Landscape, SF Bay Area Mosquito Protection, Zika SF Bay Area4 Common Drainage Problems and How To Fix Them
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscape Design, Landscape Drainage, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Rebuilding Soil, Residential Landscaping, San Francisco Bay Area Landscape, SustainabilityThe photo above is breathtaking reminder of the toll our rainy season has taken on San Francisco Bay Area residents. El Niño surprised us with a ferocious encore performance. Many of our properties, roads and highways are still recovering. Highway 37 is an extreme example of what happens when drainage fails. Five feet of water […]
The Best Indoor Plants If You Have Allergies
/in Commercial Landscapes, Interior Plants, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaInterior plants are good for your health! A ton of research proves it. Interior plants help improve air quality, and office productivity. Research published by NASA explains how plants clean toxic chemicals from the air such as: benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. These chemicals are emitted by paint, computers, carpeting, cleaning fluids, etc. A few […]
5 Things to Know About The Bamboo Plant
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaAbout Bamboo Adorning the perimeter of many commercial buildings, the willowy Bamboo stands, in containers and planter beds, providing screens and landscape focal points. Its reputation as a renewable resource for flooring to furniture and even fabric, make it emblematic of the sustainability movement. We maintain several sites in San Francisco with Bamboo plants and […]
51% of California No Longer in a Drought
/in Drought, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco Bay Area Irrigation, Water ConservationThis confirms what we expected after a ferocious rainy season that wreaked havoc throughout much the state. Key facts: Just one year ago only 5% of the state was drought free Sierra snowpack stands at 179% of its historic average (the biggest in 22 years) San Joaquin Valley and most of Southern California remains in […]
5 Landscape Trends for 2017
/in Commercial Landscapes, Interior Plants, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Richmond California, Richmond Landscaper, San Francisco Bay Area IrrigationWhat’s new in landscape and gardening? Every year there are numerous reports on the latest trends in plants, hardscape, irrigation and even color. From technology to outdoor living. Designers, Landscape Architects and Green Industry pundits weigh in on what’s hot. There are several sources for this article. The people at Gardeners’ Guild have chimed in […]
It’s Time to Turn Off Your Irrigation
/in Drought, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, SF Bay Area Container Gardening, Sustainability, Water ConservationSan Francisco Bay Area – The California Department of Water Resources reminds us that it’s time to turn off your irrigation! The rains we have had and forecasts for more are sufficient in the short term. Remember that trees, shrubs and flowers use less water in the winter. One inch of rain is enough moisture […]
We Are Still in a Drought
/in Drought, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco Bay Area Irrigation, Water ConservationGardeners’ Guild is obsessed with weather. Well – we are a landscape contracting company and we must adapt on a moment’s notice to rain, high winds and unseasonable heat or frost. We also stay on top of long term forecasting because our clients depend on us to help them manage their resources. I personally […]
5 Container Vegetables You Can Grow This Fall – Part 2
/in Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Organic Soil Amendments, Residential Landscaping, SF Bay Area Container Gardening, Winter Vegetable Gardening Bay AreaBelow are five plants you can grow in containers this fall and winter. Arugula Delicious peppery taste! Nutritious and good in salads combined with lettuce, mixed in pasta. Fast growing. Container should be at least 8” deep and 6” in diameter per each arugula plant Light Requirements Likes 6 hours of sunlight […]
5 Container Vegetables You Can Grow This Fall – Part 1
/in SF Bay Area Container Gardening, Winter Vegetable Gardening Bay AreaDo you live in a San Francisco Bay Area city with no yard? Do you like to eat healthy and buy the same vegetables each week, bemoaning their rising costs? If you have a porch, deck, balcony, small patio, stair landing, or windowsill, consider growing container vegetables this fall. You will save money, find they […]
Sudden Oak Death Increases in the SF Bay Area
/in Commercial Landscapes, Drought, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaForest Pathologist with UC Berkeley and expert in Sudden Oak Death Matteo Garbelotto reported that the number of Bay Laurels infected by Sudden Oak (SOD) has increased by 30% in Marin County in the past year. They anticipate that percentages in all bay area counties will be similar. Some experts say that the drought is […]
What A Well Maintained Drainage System Has
/in Landscape Drainage, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Organic Soil Amendments, Rebuilding Soil, Residential LandscapingIndicators for the Northern California rainy season are uncertain. Although we’ve had heavy rain early in the season, and more is predicted in the next week, none of the long range weather modeling has been conclusive. We can only hope for a wet winter. You can bet that there will be high winds, and […]
Landscape Drainage Lessons
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscape Drainage, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaHow A Neighborhood Drainage Problem Was Solved I live in a semi-rural unincorporated neighborhood in North Marin. Our houses are built on a steep hillside. When it rains the water runs down the north side of the street and into a gutter with an underground pipe. No sewers. When the water flows unobstructed all […]
San Francisco Bay Area Rock Your Holiday With Poinsettias!
/in Commercial Landscapes, Interior Plants, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaThe holidays are coming! Now is the time to order your Poinsettias from Gardeners’ Guild. Get your commercial building in the holiday spirit. Our interior division services San Francisco, East Bay including Richmond, Emeryville, Berkeley, Oakland; as well as Marin, Sonoma and Napa Counties. Our nurseries grow limited quantities so order by second week in […]
10 Colorful Fall Plants for Instant Curb Appeal
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaSummer May be Over but Fall’s Bounty is Upon Us. A profusion of colorful fall plants both annuals and perennials are now available from our suppliers! Their brilliant colors will make an impact on the landscape of your residential or commercial property. They come in bright colors like pink, red, purple, white and yellow. 10 […]
How to Recognize Hazardous Trees
/in Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaJust a little knowledge can help prevent big problems. What to look for Dead branches: an accident waiting to happenBranches that cross or rub: This usually means there is a weak spot that should be pruned off.Signs of decay: visible wounds, cavities, disfigurations could be a signHow to tell when a tree is in ill health?Experts […]
Essential Reasons For Tree Care Planning
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Residential LandscapingWhether you own or manage a commercial property, an association or a residence, healthy trees add value to your property and community They can increase a property’s value by 20%. They break the cold winds to lower your heating costs The net cooling effect of a young, healthy tree is equivalent to ten room-size air […]
Latest Water District Regs & Rebates
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Richmond Landscaper, SustainabilitySFPUC Local Regulations 10% voluntary reduction in water use compared to 2013 – all SFPUC customers. 25% reduction of landscape watering lifted as of July 1, 2016 Revert wastewater flow factors back to their original adjustments, effective July 1, 2016. Prohibited water activities (State Requirements) Watering outdoor landscapes that causes runoff to sidewalks, streets, and hardscapes […]
4 Essential Landscape Budget Items
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Organic Soil Amendments, Rebuilding Soil, Residential Landscaping, SustainabilityIf you are a Property Manager, you are likely knee-deep in budget season Remember that landscaping can increase the value of a house from 5% to 12.7%. On a $400,000 home 5.5% is $22,000; 12.7% adds $50,800.* Conversely, a degraded or disorganized collection of plants detracts from a home or commercial building’s value. Bob Vila says that […]
3 Tips for Fire Safe Landscaping
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Residential Landscaping, SustainabilityFirespinner Iceplant “Delosperma” There are a number of resources for firesafe landscaping. This post summarizes some of the best practices, plus links for more information. Tip 1: Create Defensible Space Defensible space is the clearance created between a structure and the grass, shrubs, trees or any natural area that surrounds it. State of California says […]
What is the cost of a qualified landscaper?
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, LEED, Residential Landscaping, SustainabilityThe Difference Between Landscapers From mom and pop operations to large national companies, there are a million different types of landscapers. Because education and training is not a prerequisite the degree of knowledge and professionalism varies from company to company. A landscape installation is a major investment and the new landscape’s lifespan depends on how […]
GGI Wins Four Landscaping Awards – Includes First Place for Sustainable Landscaping
/in Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaThe California Landscape Contractor’s Association’s North Coast Chapter (CLCA) recognized Gardeners’ Guild for four awards at their annual awards ceremony in Santa Rosa. The four honors presented to Gardeners’ Guild were for Spring Lake Village, a large retirement community in Santa Rosa. Two of them were for first place: First Place: Unlimited Commercial Landscape Maintenance […]
Four Reasons Why Bees Are Dying
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Richmond Landscaper, SustainabilityImagine for a minute. You go to the store to buy strawberries. There you discover that strawberries are not available – ever. It could happen. Not likely, but it could. Not just berries, but apples, oranges, lemons, limes, carrots, avocados, cantaloupes, cucumbers, alfalfa and almonds – all gone. No more guacamole. Goodbye apple pie. How […]
California Lifts State 25% Water Conservation Mandate
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaThe State Water Resources Control Board, responding to pressure to relax water rationing from June 2015, is allowing water districts to set their own conservation targets based a projected additional three-year dry spell. An important caveat: the state will have oversight and each district will be required to submit a monthly water use report. And, […]
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, LEEDIt’s called pervious (concrete) paving and it’s got the attention of an increasing number of designers and property developers. Why? Because it can save money and it’s better for the environment than standard concrete paving. In fact, it’s among the EPA’s Best Management Practices. What it is An innovative technology that consists of a porous […]
3 Ways to Save Water in the Landscape
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Organic Soil Amendments, Residential LandscapingSimple Irrigation Fixes That Can Save $$$$ Consider this first: 80% of plant problems are due to over-watering. (Source Sunset Magazine) Gardeners’ Guild saved a residential community client 53% off their water bill by rigorous monitoring of their system and simple repairs. Fixing Irrigation Leaks and Breaks* Capping irrigation in places that didn’t require watering […]
SF Bay Area – Water Restrictions – April 2016
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water ManagementState of California – late April news The state water board held an informational workshop on urban water conservation measures to discuss potential adjustments to the drought emergency regulation extension. Possible action to adjust the conservation requirements would likely be taken in May 2016. They considered whether any elements of these measures could be modified. […]
San Francisco Bay Area Rainfall Update
/in Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaMuch of my weather wisdom is gathered from Daniel Swain from his blog weatherwest.com. The Climate Scientist and Phd. candidate for Stanford’s Department of Environmental Earth Science coined the term – “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge” after the obstinate high pressure system that ushered in much of our drought. His most recent post summarizes El Niño’s impact […]
2016 Landscape Trends
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, LEED, Richmond LandscaperEvery year journalists in the industry forecast what is new for the next year. What I saw when digging around (no pun intended) were subtle offshoots of similar themes over the past few years. This post tries to make sense of what experts are forecasting and why homeowners and property managers should be interested. Trends […]
Latest News on the Drought – San Francisco Bay Area
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Richmond California, Richmond LandscaperI heard a report this week on KQED about the drought outlook going forward into spring, 2016. The good news is Northern California had a lot of rain. Bay area residents can attest to the high winds, torrential rains and ensuing tree falls; power outages typical of heavy winter weather. Many of us were sighing […]
How to Manage Weeds in Your Bay Area Landscape
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Organic Soil Amendments, Rebuilding Soil, Richmond LandscaperTheir Place in Nature Weeds are not all bad. They provide some benefits (listed below). The definition for weeds is “a plant out of place”. But considering most people welcome weeds as much as they do taxes, this definition seems more fitting: “plants whose undesirable qualities outweigh their good points.” (Taken from Penn State’s website) […]
How to Prevent Erosion
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Residential Landscaping, Richmond LandscaperWe have not seen the last of El Niño. Episodes of heavy rain and winds will likely continue over the next few months. If your landscape on a slope, there are some actions you can take now to prevent the damaging effects of erosion. Short Term Actions (Your can do […]
How To Improve Your Workplace
/in Commercial Landscapes, Interior Plants, Richmond LandscaperAre Your Trees At Risk?
/in Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Residential Landscaping, Richmond California, Richmond LandscaperYour trees can suffer a lot of damage and can also do serious damage to your home or vehicle. They can also knock out power. Drought stressed trees are more vulnerable to the high winds and heavy rain of an El Niño winter. Limbs can break off and go flying. The bigger the tree, […]
GGI Seeks Experienced Crew Leaders!
/in Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Richmond CaliforniaSeeking landscape CREW LEADERS for two prestigious public park locations in San Francisco. The ideal candidate is an experienced green industry professional with a minimum of 2-3 years of experience working as a CREW LEADER in a commercial setting. You will manage employees under the direction of the Account Manager while implementing a contractual scope […]
Yerba Buena Alliance Gala Celebrates 23 Years!
/in Commercial Landscapes, Landscaper San Francisco Bay AreaSan Francisco’s Yerba Buena Alliance is an important organization whose mission is to grow and maintain the Yerba Buena neighborhood. Every year the Alliance holds a gala to raise much needed funds to support their numerous community programs. A tradition of the gala is to present the “unsung hero” award. This year’s award went to […]
EBMUD & SFPUC Approve Additional Water Restrictions
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water ManagementTuesday, August 12th Both utilities met and unanimously approved mandatory restrictions for outdoor water use. EBMUD restrictions include: using potable water for decorative ponds or fountains, washing cars or boats is prohibited unless the hose has a shutoff nozzle. Washing sidewalks or driveways, irrigating lawns or gardens with potable water more than two days per […]
Our Drought: Going from Bad to Worse
/in Irrigation & Water ManagementWe’re aware that California is in a drought. This information is nothing new – except – that the maps below illustrate the progression of our drought since 2011. Click on illustration below to see in more depth. Those of us in the bay area are insulated from the most severely affected which unfortunately are in […]
$500 Fines for Over-Watering?
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Residential LandscapingThe California State Water Resources Control Board is submitting a proposal to Sacramento Tuesday, July 15th, designed to impose strict penalties to residents who overuse water. It would require local officials to monitor usage and levy fines up to $500. Chairwoman Felicia Marcus says “we are trying to ring a bell and get people’s attention. […]
EBMUD Rates Increase by almost 10%
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Richmond LandscaperThe increase was approved in 2013 but it is now in effect. The 9.5% increase is the second highest increase in two years. EBMUD (East Bay Municipal Utility District) says the reason for the increase is for pipe and equipment maintenance that has been deferred since 2008. Many of the districts pipes are more than […]
Banner Year for Landscape Construction Awards!
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Rebuilding Soil, Residential Landscaping, Richmond California, Richmond LandscaperWe are especially proud of our construction division this year. Gardeners’ Guild received three awards for a construction project in Mill Valley. National, State and Regional landscape trade organizations have recognized our exceptional work! The National Recognition was first place. The property is situated on a steep slope overlooking the Mt Tam. The homeowners wanted […]
The Village is Going Green
/in Commercial Landscapes, Irrigation & Water Management, Landscape Design, Landscaper San Francisco Bay Area, Organic Soil Amendments, Rebuilding SoilThe Village at Corte Madera is taking steps toward more sustainable practices in their landscaping! We recently performed some landscape renovation work to planter beds on the east and west sides (against the buildings) of the shopping center. Drought resistant plantings including Ornamental grass (Fescue), Limonium, Phormium (New Zealand Flax), Cistus (Rock Rose) and Alstroemeria […]